Social Impact

Activism is central to who we are as a company. We created Dip Devices with a mission to promote positive change both within and outside of the herbal medicine industry. Our goal is to use our platform to support and amplify significant causes impacting us all. We are committed to doing our part by donating a portion of proceeds to aid social and environmental initiatives.
You have a say, too. By learning more, getting involved, or by purchasing select Dip products, you’re taking a stand for the causes you support most.
  • 01: Choose Your Device

    5% of select Dipper purchases are donated.

    1% of EVRI sales go to drug policy reform. An additional 1% of EVRI purchases go to a designated nonprofit.

  • 02: Choose Your Cause

    Different device colors support different aid organizations.

    Choose your cause when you choose your color.

  • 03: Have an Impact

    Dip Devices will automatically donate to the cause you choose.

Donations made to Marine Conservation

Marine Conservation

Our oceans are one of the greatest resources on this planet, and we have an obligation to do our part to protect and restore them on a global scale. We support organizations that push for the regulation of pollutants, more ethical and sustainable fishing practices, and those that improve protections for at-risk sea life.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to The Trevor Project

LGBTQIA+ Communities

Suicide is the second leading cause of death in young adults age 10 to 24. LGB youth are five times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. This number is even higher amongst transgender young adults. LGBTQIA+ youth mental health support is a critical need, and we stand behind nonprofits providing crisis intervention, community outreach, prevention education, and those advocating for policy change at the state and federal level.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to MPP and Students for Sensible Drug Policy

Drug Policy Reform

Over the past decade, we’ve seen much-needed changes in how herbal medicine is viewed, but laws on herbal medicines and drug use across the U.S. are still behind the times and are disproportionately enforced by race. There are still people in jail for a plant that is now legal in many states. As a company that supports safe herbal medicine consumption, we are actively involved with organizations focused on introducing legislation expanding use, promoting ballot initiatives, and lobbying in Congress to press for drug policy reform.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to The National Diversity & Inclusion Cannabis Alliance (NDICA)

Racial Justice

To this day, communities of color have been disproportionately impacted by the War on Drugs. Yet, as many states legalize cannabis, these same community members have been largely excluded from the financial and career opportunities.

We are doing our part to continuously support organizations advocating for racial justice through community-based initiatives.

NDICA’s mission is to create an ethical and equitable cannabis industry to reduce barriers contributing to the lack of representation of those most impacted by the War on Drugs, including people of color and other marginalized community members.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to the American Red Cross

Blood Donation Activism

Blood is our life force, and there is no replacement for it during critical times. We support nonprofits on the ground throughout the U.S. with their goals to organize safer blood drives and supply hospitals and transfusion centers in times of need.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to Conservation International

Reforestation and Land Conservation

Earth is an amazing place. Yet, in our evolution as humans, industrial and technological advancements have led to the degradation or destruction of indispensable natural environments. We actively seek ways to better offset our carbon footprint, and we partner with nonprofits that use science-driven initiatives to fight climate change, protect biodiversity around the world, and increase global stability.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made to Feeding America

Fighting Food Insecurity

Millions of families throughout the country face food insecurity each day, and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has only magnified this issue. We support organizations with missions to solve hunger through food recovery programs, food safety education, immediate hunger relief through food banks, and long-term food security initiatives.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations made via Operation Honey Bee

Bee Preservation

Nearly one third of our food depends on pollination from honey bees. But their populations are in danger due to climate change, disease, pesticides, and poor management practices. Protecting this at-risk species starts with awareness and education. We’re honored to support organizations that advocate for global sustainable agricultural practices to restore vital bee populations.

Device color which benefits this cause:

Donations Made to the Art Therapy Project

Free Art Therapy

Art has the power to heal, transform, and empower individuals, making it a vital tool in the realm of mental health. Art therapy is more than just a creative outlet; it's a form of expression that fosters emotional growth and recovery. At Dip Devices, we recognize the profound impact of art therapy on mental well-being. We stand alongside organizations dedicated to providing accessible art therapy programs, supporting individuals on their healing journeys, and advocating for the integration of art therapy in healthcare and education systems.

Device color which benefits this cause: