Supporting Racial Justice

Supporting Racial Justice

Since Dip Devices started in 2014, social activism has been a part of our identity. It’s never been about dab pens only for us. From the start, Dip Devices has been committed to using our platform to support causes that are significant to us, our customers, and the world. Dip Devices has been committed to helping people who have been negatively affected by the War on Drugs from the inception of our company. It’s no secret that many communities of color are still dealing with the effects of this failed “war.” Additionally, over the past several years, racial justice has become one of the biggest conversations in American society. The War on Drugs isn’t entirely to blame, but there’s no doubt that it’s part of the big picture in the current fight for racial justice in America. 

Any time Dip Devices gets a chance to be an innovator, we take that chance. We aren’t just innovating cannabis concentrate technology with our dab straws and dab pens, we are also innovating in the cannabis industry by pursuing racial justice through our new partnership with The National Diversity & Inclusion Cannabis Alliance (NDICA). NDICA is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization whose mission is “to create an ethical and equitable cannabis industry to reduce barriers contributing to the lack of representation of those most impacted by the War on Drugs, including people of color and other marginalized community members.” NDICA’s goal aligns with Dip Devices’ mission to do our part in making the cannabis industry a fair playing field for everyone. Dip Devices and NDICA are also on the same page when it comes to the War on Drugs- the damage done to peoples’ lives and the barriers into the cannabis industry both need to be addressed, among many other things. Our partnership means that NDICA will be given a portion of the proceeds of every black  Lunar,  Little Dipper, and  EVRI dab straw we sell. 

Partnering with NDICA 

As of January, 2022, Dip Devices and NDICA have formally partnered to pursue racial justice and positive social change in the cannabis industry and beyond. NDICA is a leading cannabis social justice organization that has been featured in VICE and The Guardian among many other publications and news outlets. NDICA is known for their focus on expungement clinics and efforts to create equitable ownership and employment opportunities in the cannabis industry. 

Dip Devices is a longtime supporter of diversity in the expanding cannabis industry, so we wanted to put our efforts behind an organization who also supports equal opportunity in the cannabis field. We also wanted to partner with someone who can get things done and allow us to have a tangible effect on communities negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. That’s why we are so happy to be partnering with NDICA- they support the same causes we do, and they get things done. As a result of the partnership, NDICA will receive a portion of the proceeds from every black Lunar, Little Dipper, and EVRI electric dab straw that is sold. 

Here’s what the President of Dip Devices and the Founder of NDICA had to say about the new partnership: 

Jeffrey M. Zucker, President of Dip Devices, said of the partnership, “Dip Devices is committed to advocating for social justice surrounding cannabis. This partnership with NDICA will strengthen our ability to do that and have a greater impact, as we’ll be working alongside a national grassroots organization directly serving communities negatively impacted by the War on Drugs. We are dedicated to supporting these communities with financial resources, but also going further by using our platforms to engage our community and amplify NDICA’s mission head-on.”

Bonita “Bo” Money, Founder of NDICA and cannabis company owner since the medical days in California, had the following to say about the new partnership: "We are thrilled to be a part of this partnership with Dip Devices. NDICA is committed to reducing disparities in life outcomes for people from marginalized communities affected by the War on Drugs. This collaboration supports NDICA's Social Justice Initiatives in the community by providing workforce development programs, monthly expungement clinics, job resource fairs, youth mentorship programs, and violence prevention programs. One of our most recent initiatives involves assisting in the release of people who have been incarcerated for cannabis-related offenses and assisting with their re-entry transition. We hope that this will inspire other companies to consider the social justice impact they can have in their communities and make a difference by supporting organizations like ours."

Dip Devices also hopes that we can spur other companies in the cannabis field to consider the big picture: we are citizens of the cannabis community, and we have a duty to make this community as inclusive as possible, especially for those who have suffered from cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs. 

Those who have been affected by cannabis prohibition and the War on Drugs should not be marginalized. And the ideal way for Dip Devices to help address these issues is to cooperate with an organization like NDICA who is equipped and ready to make a difference. NDICA will receive a portion of the proceeds from every black Lunar, Little Dipper, and EVRI electric dab straw that we sell- and they have the track record to show that our partnership will benefit communities around the country. For instance, NDICA received the Illinois R3 Cannabis Community Reinvestment Grant, which allowed them to provide expungement clinics, job fairs, and youth programs across the state of Illinois. Dip Devices wants to help NDICA do more of the same work, because there is much left undone.   



NDICA’s Work & Projects

NDICA has four local chapters, with a fifth on the way, although its online presence makes it nationwide. Their chapters are located in Los Angeles, Fresno, Chicago, and Columbus, with number five coming to Oklahoma City soon. Hopefully, this is only the beginning. NDICA has a few main focuses:

Community Outreach

Serving communities that have been harmed by the War on Drugs is part of NDICA’s mission and a goal of ours as well. NDICA has the resources to get people out and in the streets in Los Angeles, every week, for what they call Giving Tuesdays. Every Tuesday, NDICA distributes hygiene kits and food boxes at their south Los Angeles facility. Over 200 complete meals are served every week through this community outreach program. Dip Devices is happy to lend a hand to help a community that suffers so badly from homelessless, poverty, substance abuse, and gang violence.    

Youth Empowerment & Educational Programs

NDICA doesn’t just offer local community support- they also offer online education programs. NDICA & Left of Bang Entertainment have organized an online arts program, the Youth Filmmaking Mentoring Program with Brian Hooks. In this program, participants are taught the basics of independent filmmaking with Brian Hooks, an actor, producer, writer, director, and stand-up comedian with over 25 years of experience in the entertainment industry. NDICA also  organized an online Technology program called NextGen: STEAM Youth Mentorship Program. This program focuses on youth development and education in the STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts, and mathematics) fields. The program is led by Patrick Young, a multi-certified IT instructor who has experience working in underserved communities educating young people on IT career paths and entrepreneurship. Both of these programs are focused on helping uplift and educate young people in communities that have been most impacted by the War on Drugs.


Obviously, education is important to NDICA. NDICA offers cannabis-related education themselves, and Dip Devices is proud to support unbiased, quality cannabis education. NDICA offers hemp, cannabis, and business education programs for individuals coming from marginalized communities, ex-felons, and anyone else interested in exploring the industry. They have in-person and online courses which help people learn about the hemp and cannabis industries along with ancillary cannabis businesses. At Dip Devices, we see the cannabis industry growing, and we are glad to help NDICA educate people who might not have the chance to learn about cannabis otherwise.

Social Equity Programs

NDICA is the only cannabis based non-profit that is a qualified vendor for the City of LA’s Social Equity Business Development Program. NDICA offers priority processing, technical assistance, Hemp & Cannabis licensing assistance, and more to underserved communities in Los Angeles. We feel that NDICA is helping right a wrong with their efforts here, since communities that were negatively affected by the War on Drugs deserve to participate in the cannabis industry. 


NDICA also offers an onsite internship program to train people as owners/operators. Interns get hands-on experience in legal retail stores, cultivation, and manufacturing facilities. The goal is to teach those in underserved communities the knowledge needed to run a cannabis business. Dip Devices supports NDICA’s endeavors in this area, since we know how important an internship can be to bridge the gap between an education and a career.   

Lifestyle Picture


One of Dip Device’s favorite projects that NDICA has is the NDICA WORX project. This project offers Workforce Development for licensed cannabis businesses, Vocational Training, and Job Placement for people in some of the communities most impacted by the War on Drugs. NDICA WORX is operated alongside local community organizations, governmental bodies, and even educational institutions. As a result, NDICA WORX encourages participation in the cannabis industry for people who otherwise would never be exposed to the opportunity. Partnering with communities and actually making a difference is what activism is all about, and we admire NDICA for their constant effort. This program also offers community food giveaways, info sessions, industry events, and volunteer opportunities. That's one of the many reasons Dip Devices is proud to partner with NDICA. By donating a portion of the proceeds of every black Lunar, Little Dipper, and EVRI electric dab straw we sell, Dip Devices helps NDICA accomplish their goals. We encourage you to join NDICA (for free) and find out what you can do to contribute to racial justice in the cannabis space in your own community. 

NDICA Job Fair

Leveling The Playing Field

Part of achieving racial justice is achieving social equity. Dip Devices is happy to partner with NDICA because they have such a great track record in helping people with their expungements for cannabis convictions. California’s Proposition 64, The Adult Use of Marijuana Act, passed in 2016, provided for the expungement (sealing of records/nullification) of people who have been convicted of a cannabis-related crime and served their sentence. Prop. 64 essentially allows for a clean slate for people who have been convicted of cannabis-related crimes. There are around 200,000 people who qualify for expungement in the State of California. But not everyone can navigate the forms, paperwork, and bureaucracy that comes along with something as important as wiping a conviction from a criminal record. 

That’s where NDICA comes in. NDICA expunged 20% of LA County’s ex-cannabis offenders in 2018. That’s a lot of work, and we at Dip Devices commend NDICA for getting so many convictions cleared. And we know that work doesn’t come free. We at Dip Devices are glad that we can lend a hand and help fund NDICA’s expungement work by donating a portion of the proceeds of every black Lunar, Little Dipper, and EVRI electric dab straw we sell. NDICA is making big steps in California, so much so that they are the only cannabis organization funded by the Governor’s office and are a preferred vendor for the City of Los Angeles’ Social Equity Program. Again we see that NDICA is an organization that is getting things done and helping pursue racial justice every day. 

Help Us Grow NDICA

Dip Devices is so proud to partner with NDICA, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for us both. NDICA has some of the best resources and tools in the country when it comes to pursuing racial justice in the cannabis field and healing the wounds inflicted on communities by the War on Drugs. NDICA’s focus on education and uplifting the communities they work in is a great strategy for long-lasting, positive change. By partnering with NDICA, Dip Devices is doing our part to pursue racial justice and bring more diversity to the cannabis industry. We encourage you to check out NDICA’s website and join their community, even if you don’t have a local chapter. Odds are, you have something to offer NDICA. Help us grow NDICA and bring social equity to the world of cannabis!  
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