We’ve moved our clocks forward, the flowers are starting to bloom, and the weather is beginning to warm up outside. You know what that means: It’s time to leave those short, cold days of Winter behind and get outside! No matter where your springtime journeys take you, Dip Devices allows you to enjoy your cannabis concentrates on the go with our dab pens and dab straws. While we all gear up for the nice weather, we thought that we should share some tips and tricks for enjoying your Dip Devices electric dab straw or electric dab pen while you get outside and reconnect with Mother Nature. We also have some suggestions for some fun things to do now that it’s time to get outside.
Keep Your Dipper, EVRI, Little Dipper, and Lunar Clean
Nobody wants to be caught with a dirty or clogged wax pen or dab straw. So always remember to keep your Dip Devices gear nice and clean! Check out our recent post about keeping your Dipper, EVRI, Little Dipper, and Lunar clean and functioning perfectly. Before any excursion, make sure your electric dab straw or electric dab pen is clean and works without any issues. And make sure to keep your device charged! A dead battery is the last thing you want when you take a break from a hike to enjoy some cannabis concentrate.
Always Be Prepared
Make sure that you take care of your cannabis concentrate checklist before you leave your home. Do you have your cannabis concentrate? Do you have a tool for handling concentrates? Do you have your Dip devices electric dab pen or electric dab straw? Is it clean and charged? Run through this little checklist before you head out and you can guarantee that you’ll have a fun time, complete with tasty hits of your favorite cannabis concentrate. A great way to carry all of your gear is the Dip Devices Welcome Pack, which comes with a neoprene carrying case for your favorite wax pen or dab straw, a medical-grade silicone concentrate container, and five Dip Devices dab tools. On a serious note, if you’re going on a solo hike or something along those lines, bring your cell phone and tell someone where you’re going!
Some Fun Things To Do Outdoors While You Enjoy Cannabis Concentrates
Everyone is different, and on top of that, every breed of cannabis is different too. So we aren’t about to say that it’s a great idea to consume a ton of Indica and then try to run your fastest mile. But with the right type of cannabis concentrate, like a Sativa-dominant hybrid for instance, lots of outdoor exercise can be a blast. It’s time to get moving, and we have come up with some fun things to do while you’re enjoying your cannabis concentrates with your Dip Devices electric nectar collector or dab pen. Don’t hesitate to hop on instagram and let us know what your favorite outdoor activity is while you enjoy cannabis concentrates by tagging @dipdevices. We might feature you on our own instagram page!
Enhance Your Hike With Portable Dabs
Going for a hike in nature is hands-down one of the most relaxing things you can do. You get some quiet time, you can unplug from all your electronics, and just enjoy nature. You can move at your own pace, take in your surroundings, and if you’re lucky you can spot some birds and wild animals. On your next hike, try bringing your Dip Devices kit with your favorite honey straw or electric dab pen. When you take a break, allow yourself to enjoy some cannabis concentrate. Being around nature can be a lot of fun after a few puffs, and you might have a newfound appreciation for some of the beauty that nature has to offer. Give it a try on your next trek into the woods!
Pair Your Concentrates With Outdoor Music
It’s almost that time of the year - festival time! With so many festivals being canceled these past couple years, it looks like music festivals might be returning this Spring and Summer. Almost everyone enjoys music at least a little more when they use cannabis, and it’s doubly true when it comes to live music. Bringing a kit with your favorite concentrate and electric honey straw or dab pen can contribute to a great live music experience. But remember to check venue rules!
And that brings us to dancing! Sometimes people get nervous, especially with certain breeds of cannabis, but festivals and concerts are a free pass to get a little weird. So if you’re enjoying your cannabis concentrate with your Dip Devices Dipper, EVRI, Little Dipper, or Lunar while you’re at a music show or music festival, take a few puffs and get dancing! Nobody’s going to judge you, and you might surprise people with some sweet moves!
Go To The Park
Odds are you don’t live too far from a public park. Before you bring your dab straw or dab pen and the rest of your kit with you, check your local laws. You might need to enjoy your cannabis concentrate in your home before you head out to a public park- remember there might be kids around. But that doesn’t stop you from enjoying yourself! You can pretend you’re a kid again and goof around on the playground, or you can toss around the frisbee. If you are feeling ambitious, maybe you can get a game of touch football or ultimate frisbee going. It’s all about getting outside and getting a bit of exercise. Even if you go to the park and just lay in the grass and listen to music or chat with your friends, it’s better than being cooped up inside.
Even when the sun sets, you can still have fun outdoors with cannabis concentrates. If you don’t have much light pollution where you live, you might be able to stargaze right outside your front door. If you have some light pollution in your area, try to convince a friend to come with you so that you can get a ride to a nice stargazing spot and enjoy your wax pen or dab straw. Just put a blanket on the ground, lay down, and get comfortable. We rarely stop at night and look up at the sky, and the night sky can be breathtaking. The Milky Way is quite easy to see if you have a good stargazing spot and a clear sky. And if you spend more than a few minutes under the night sky, you are bound to see some shooting stars as well. You can even play games and try to spot constellations with friends. You don’t need a telescope or anything special- you can see plenty of stars with just the naked eye.

Hit The Beach And Dab Pen
Depending on where you live, this might be easy for you, or incredibly difficult. If you live near a beach, make sure to check the rules, and if you need to, enjoy your cannabis concentrates at home with your Dip Devices electric dab straw or electric dab pen. Going to the beach is fun regardless, and you can have even more fun with a puff or two from your favorite Dip Devices wax pen or dab straw. Swimming in the water, playing volleyball, spikeball, frisbee, or any other beach game is a blast when you throw in a little cannabis concentrate. And there’s nothing wrong with just going to get a tan, putting in your headphones and blissing out. If you can get there, cannabis concentrates can definitely enhance your beachgoing experience.
We know this one sounds a bit odd, but gardening is a very meditative practice. When you are gardening, you’re creating life from nothing but a little seed, and you nourish that life, and take care of it all the way to maturity. Gardening is another great way to connect with nature. Try planting some seeds and nurturing your plants. And yes, we know gardening seems like work. But gardening is a lot less work when you are enjoying cannabis concentrate with your Dip Devices electric dab straw or electric dab pen. A few hits and you’ll be ready to care for your precious plants.
We know not everyone has a yard, so you can even grow a little garden in a window box in an apartment, or you can even try to find a community garden nearby and lend a hand.
Go For A Walk Or Jog
Sometimes we like to be alone with our thoughts, and it can be fun to let our minds wander when we are enjoying cannabis concentrates. Try taking a few hits from your Dip Devices dab pen or dab straw, then just go outside for a nice walk and let your mind wander. If you’re feeling up to it, work your way up to a light jog. You don’t need to be running hard or speed walking, just move enough to work up a little sweat and get those endorphins flowing. It’ll make you feel energized and it’s downright good for your health.
You might notice that after consuming some cannabis concentrate, you can focus intensely on your running or walking form. It’s fun to take a hit from your electric dab pen or dab straw and then hit the road, thinking about one body part at a time- like how your feet hit the pavement, how your knees are bending, how you swing your arms, etc. It’s a lot of fun compared to just trotting out a few miles.
Now Get Outside With Your Dip Devices!
There are so many other things to do while enjoying cannabis concentrates, so we’ve only talked about some of our favorite activities. Nonetheless, our message to you is simple: go outdoors and enjoy your Dip Devices dab pen or dab straw! It’s finally getting warm out, so we should all embrace the nice weather and get outside and be active. Bringing along some cannabis concentrate, along with your favorite Dip Devices wax pen or electric honey straw, can make the outdoors even more fun. We at Dip Devices hope that you will #tossthetorch and use our ultra-portable dab pens and dab straws to enjoy the springtime as much as possible. Have fun!